مشكلات اولمبياد سوتشي على "تويتر"

مشكلات اولمبياد سوتشي على "تويتر"
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قام عدد من الصحفيين الاجانب بانشاء وسم خاص على موقع “تويتر” لمشاركة المشكلات المختلفة التي تواجه الصحفيين خلال تغطيتهم دورة الالعاب الاولمبية.

وبدأ بالفعل الوسم او الهاشتاغ بتجميع عدد من شكاوى الصحفيين رغم عدم انطلاق الاولمبياد التي سيتكلف تنظيمها 37 مليار يورو.

Paralympians we made you a ramp to, oh nevermind. #SochiProblems#Sochi2014pic.twitter.com/y7HLLxiTd5

— Sochi Problems (@SochiProblems) 5 Février 2014

Ok, doorknob karma. My apologies, Sochi. pic.twitter.com/OBV8cR3uDA

— Barry Petchesky (@barryap1) 4 Février 2014

@HarryCNN having no luck in Sochi. #SochiProblems#Sochi#Sochi2014#Olympicspic.twitter.com/kDkVu5KyiC

— Sochi Problems (@SochiProblems) 4 Février 2014

No flush, must play basketball with used toilet paper. #SochiProblems#Sochi2014pic.twitter.com/tHus7WfgtH

— Sochi Problems (@SochiProblems) 4 Février 2014

We torture your bowels with complex toilets. #SochiProblems#Sochi2014pic.twitter.com/ggu1ALH4xE

— Sochi Problems (@SochiProblems) 4 Février 2014

Seeing double in the Gentlemen's Loo at the Olympic Biathlon Centre #Sochipic.twitter.com/a1HoilU9zn

— Steve Rosenberg (@BBCSteveR) January 20, 2014

Fellow journo: Colleague lost hotel room key. Hotel did not have copy. So instead of giving a new key, they removed the whole door.

— SeanFitz_Gerald (@SeanFitz_Gerald) 5 Février 2014

Canada House, in Olympic Park, still under construction, still playing to the idea we all own a cottage somewhere. pic.twitter.com/YyxfqeBzlQ

— SeanFitz_Gerald (@SeanFitz_Gerald) 4 Février 2014

My hotel has no water. If restored, the front desk says, "do not use on your face because it contains something very dangerous." #Sochi2014

— Stacy St. Clair (@StacyStClair) 4 Février 2014

Water restored, sorta. On the bright side, I now know what very dangerous face water looks like. #Sochi#unfilteredpic.twitter.com/sQWM0vYtyz

— Stacy St. Clair (@StacyStClair) 4 Février 2014

Also on the bright side: I just washed my face with Evian, like I'm a Kardashian or something.

— Stacy St. Clair (@StacyStClair) 4 Février 2014

The reception of our hotel in #Sochi has no floor. But it does have this welcoming picture. pic.twitter.com/8isdoBuytl

— Kevin Bishop (@bishopk) 4 Février 2014

Bees in your honey, beer colored water, no flush toilets and the buzz abt #Sochi yuck factor today on @GMApic.twitter.com/CvztMrEHRE

— Matt Gutman (@mattgutmanABC) 5 Février 2014

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