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"سيلكي" أنثى الهامستر العارية

"سيلكي" أنثى الهامستر العارية
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انتهت معاناة "سيلكي" بعد أن أخذت جميعة لرعاية الحيوانات في الولايات المتحدة الأميركية على عاتقها الاهتمام بهذ


انتهت معاناة “سيلكي” بعد أن أخذت جميعة لرعاية الحيوانات في الولايات المتحدة الأميركية على عاتقها الاهتمام بهذه القارضة الصغيرة.

“سيلكي” هو اسم أثنى الهامستر هذه، التي ولدت قبل عام، وعندها مرض وراثي حرمها من الفراء. وقد عانت من البرد لفترة طويلة، قبل أن تخطر فكرة رائعة على بال أحد عمال جمعية تعنى بالرفق بالحيوانات وفي ولاية أوريغون الأميركية، وهي أن يحيك لها سترة صغيرة على مقاسها.

وتنعم “سلكي” الآن بدفئ الصوف، وكذلك بالعيش ضمن الجمعية.

  • Silky the naked hamsterSilky the naked hamster

  • Silky is one year old. The hairlessness is a genetic condition and is very rare.Silky is one year old. The hairlessness is a genetic condition and is very rare.

  • Her living area at the Oregon Humane Society in the US is kept extra warm.Her living area at the Oregon Humane Society in the US is kept extra warm.

  • Despite her condition, Silky is in excellent health and has a good appetite.Despite her condition, Silky is in excellent health and has a good appetite.

  • An Oregon Humane Society employee thought a sweater would be a good idea and made one in her spare time.An Oregon Humane Society employee thought a sweater would be a good idea and made one in her spare time.

  • The sweater is crocheted. So far, it is the only one Silky has in her wardrobe.The sweater is crocheted. So far, it is the only one Silky has in her wardrobe.

  • Silky only wears her sweater for special occasions.Silky only wears her sweater for special occasions.

  • Staff were worried it might be itchy, so they keep a close eye in case she has a reaction.Staff were worried it might be itchy, so they keep a close eye in case she has a reaction.

  • No one can resist Silky’s charm!No one can resist Silky's charm!

  • Silky has found a new home! She was chosen the day she was put up for adoption.Silky has found a new home! She was chosen the day she was put up for adoption.

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